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Appledore Parish Council Publication of Information Scheme

Appledore Parish Council endeavours to make information regarding the council easily available from this website. However, should any elector wish for additional information to that published, this can be simply attained by contacting the Parish Clerk in writing, detailing the information sought. Information sought in hard copy (paper) of substantial size may be charged at cost and postage. The Clerk will advise of any charge which will be due prior to the information being sent out.


Contact the Parish Clerk


To be paid in advance


Black and white A4 page – 20p per page


Colour A4 page – 50p per page


Disc – cost of disc


Memory Stick – cost of stick


Costs for other page sizes to be advised at the time


Access requests are charged at £10 a request


For further information please download and consult our Publication of Information Scheme document:


Appledore Parish Council Publication of Information Scheme

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