Appledore Parish Council meetings
Parish Council meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month.
All meetings unless otherwise notified will commence at 7.30pm.
We will provide formal notification in accordance with statutory requirements and these will be posted on the Village Noticeboard and this website.
Should there be the need for Extraordinary Meetings, these will also be announced by posting on the Village Noticeboard and this website.
Public Participation
Parishioners and other members of the public are welcome to attend. There will be opportunities to speak to the Council and address the meeting within the statutory requirements.
Meetings will commence with the basic formalities and will then be adjourned to invite Parishioners and members of the public to ask questions or to make statements. Councillors may comment/respond via the Chairman unless the subject raised is already on the agenda, in which case it will be discussed later in the meeting. If it is not on the agenda it can be added to that of a subsequent meeting.
The Chairman will conduct discussions in an open and fair manner, while ensuring that there is adequate time for The Parish Council to conduct its’ business.
The meeting will then be reconvened by the Chairman, no further interventions by the public are permitted until the agenda has been completed.
There may be occasions where it is necessary for a subject to be discussed without the presence of Parishioners or members of the public in attendance. These will be announced in advance and the subject will be included at the end of the agenda.
Councillors may, within reason, be approached outside of the council meetings to discuss matters of concern.
Proposing items to be discussed by the Parish Council
If there is a subject which you would like the Parish Council to discuss please contact a councillor.